July 19, 2023

Top 5 Things to Avoid when Creating Smarter Spaces

Right now, I bet you’ve got a long list of PropTech companies calling you up telling you they have the exact product, tool or technology to do what you need in your portfolio. Am I right? I bet I am.

In today's episode I’m going to share 5 tips that will help you not only filter through the noise, but also put you on the right track to making sure the direction you begin on, has the most chance of giving you long term success. There is a lot of noise in the Proptech market right now and with the advice I’ll share with you today, you’ll be able to filter out a lot of the static, and chart a path forward.

In this episode I cover 5 topics;

  1. Why not having a portfolio-level plan is a bad idea.
  2. Challenges to be aware of if adopting integrated technology stacks of young companies.
  3. Learnings from history in tech companies carrying legacy systems baggage.
  4. Why deploying digital experiences aren't as scary of physical ones.
  5. How to get your colleagues in IT on side and why to do it now.

Plus one bonus piece of advice you'll have to listen in to hear!


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